Saturday, February 6, 2010


Deep inside is a disease,
A sickness as old as the birds and bees…
Infecting our hands and feet, elbows and knees.
That permeates every heart mind and soul…people young and old.
The wise man and the fool; the rejected and the cool
The rich, the poor, the tall the short;
the boy, the girl; the entire world.
With hateful hearts and eyes that judge
They hold grudges that won’t budge
With pretentious isolation they perpetuate segregation,
Irreverently they engage in informal fornication
Indulge in dubious intoxication
And look to one another for uneducated validation
I hear them vomit out lies and deception
Speak words that kill.
The sickness runs deep
Making them insecure
Turning their motives impure
Filling them up with an insatiable lust.
…and I look on in disgust
The darkness couldn’t be clearer,
Until I look in the mirror
And notice my own black heart and judging eyes
My untamed tongue that spits out slander and lies
There’s no escaping my fate;
I am what I hate.

-Charlie Kenny

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