Wednesday, January 27, 2010


To do or not to do;
That is the question…the obsession and expression of our lives.
We are designed for movement: for action and reaction.
You feel the yearnings inside that ache
For choices to make
Steps to take, barriers to break,
Activities in which to partake…
But how does one make a decision? Can anyone truly envision what lies ahead?
There’s so much to consider.
Ethics to contemplate
Variables to calculate
Possibilities to estimate
As you observe the tension between want and need,
You find yourself unsure of which impulse to heed.
You will weigh your options
Calculate positive and negative; meditate on right and wrong.
You will see this pro, that con, and the list goes on and on.
Paralysis and uncertainty ensue
And you still don’t know what to do.

-Charlie Kenny

Friday, January 22, 2010

Writer's Block

My whole life is internal. All the trials and tribulations I face, the solutions I find, all the sins I commit, the virtues I hold, all the pain and pleasure I experience...all of it is locked inside. There is virtually no physical manifestation of any of it; the chaos is all in my head. I am the epitome of introspection.

As one might imagine, I do a lot of thinking and reflecting. Numerous thoughts and ideas pop into my head on a daily basis, things that I feel need to be shared, discussed and refined. The only way I know how to effectively do this is to write; to translate the storm of thoughts and feelings raging inside my head into words, into something meaningful; something relevant. But for some reason, I haven't been able to do it. The words just aren't coming to me, and I don't have the patience to endure the wait. Thus the storm continues...

Too bad this results in a [more than usual] perpetually moody, self-absorbed and angst-ridden Charlie.

I've began - and abandoned - several pieces on:
the urgency of service and loving others
the balance between liberalism and conservatism
the reputation of the church
the power of words
transitional moments in one's life
These are all topics I've been thinking about lately, but can't seem to find the words to comment on. Writer's block SUCKS.