Monday, October 26, 2009

God the Artist

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse
Romans 1:20

Just as an artist leaves a piece of himself in his work, so does God reveal Himself in His creation. Look around in nature, and you'll see the Maker in what has been made. This last weekend, some middle school students and I spent an unforgettable two days camping and rock climbing in some remote area of northern California. It was absolutely breathtaking.
I wrote some haiku-like poems in response:

Tree God
You are tall and mighty
ancient, but fully alive.
Always reaching out.
Giver of good gifts
you're a refuge from the rain
and the wind and the sun.

Grass of the Field
Nourishing beasts of the earth
growing every day.
gentle to the touch
thin emeralds in the sun
still reaching higher.

Canyon River
The great river flows
peace and chaos all in one
pure and relentless.

Rocky Mountain
Towering mountain
unshakable foundation
stand firm in great strength.

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